Computer can be used on TV now!

The Dhaka Times Desk Technology is gradually coming into people's hands. For a long time, TV could be seen on the computer, but now the computer can be used on TV!

Intel is bringing one such 'Intel Compute Stick' to the market. With this, the TV can be used as a computer very easily. The Intel Compute Stick is actually a special type of dongle.

This Intel dongle has a 'built-in operating system' to turn a TV into a computer. Also has Atom processor and wireless connectivity. Windows 8.1 and Linux - these two types of operating systems are available in this dongle.

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It has 2 GB RAM and Windows 8.1 version has 32 GB storage. On the other hand, the Linux version has 8 GB of storage and 1 GB of RAM. Again, for additional memory, the Intel Compute Stick also has the facility of using a microSD card. With the help of this wireless connectivity, the device can be easily connected to the TV.

According to a press release, other features of this device include:

Display: HDMI (male connector)
Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11b/g/n
Bluetooth: 4.0 HD uART (Single Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Combo Chip)
USB: 2.0 Cut Type A by 1
Power input: Micro USB 2.0B connector etc.

Notably, Intel displayed the 'Intel Compute Stick' at the recently held Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, USA. It is said that this product will be available in the market next March at an affordable price.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১৫, ২০১৫ 9:39 pm

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