The Dhaka Times
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The story of a beggar who owns one and a half million rupees!

The Dhaka Times Desk Today there is a story of a beggar who owns one and a half million rupees! In the neighboring country of Patna, India, a beggar has been found who owns 1.5 million rupees.

the story of a beggar

There are always people begging on the street or at the head of the alley. Especially the people of Bangladesh meet beggars when they leave their homes. And if there is a beggar in front of me, I donate what I can - this is a normal rule. We always have compassion for people. But this time a beggar was found who owns one and a half million rupees!

If you ever find out, the beggar you often give money to as alms is one rupee, not two rupees - literally one and a half million rupees! Then your eyes will roll up in your head it is normal. Such a shocking incident happened in our neighboring country Patna, India.

That beggar from Patna in India owns one and a half million rupees. Also, he has more than 6 lakh rupees deposited in his name in 4 state-owned banks.

That millionaire beggar's name is Pappu Kumar. This beggar did not understand that he was so rich. As part of the cleanliness drive, the Patna police recently conducted a drive to make their railway station 'beggar free'.

During the operation, the beggar named Pappu was asked to go elsewhere but he did not go. After that Patna police arrested him and took him to the police station, one by one the news about his wealth started to come out. He told the police that Pappu used to beg at Patna railway station every day for the past 7 years.

The most surprising thing is that when the police searched Pappu's body, 4 bank ATM cards came out from his body. When the police started investigation due to this card, it is known that he has more than 6 lakh rupees in his bank. During police interrogation, Pappu said that he wanted to become an engineer in his private life but could not do so, he chose begging as an independent profession.

Pappu told media, 'I passed the HSC exam with 57 percent marks and I got 72 in maths. I wanted to become an engineer - I tried for that. But just then I met with an accident and one part of my body became paralyzed. After that I had no other option but to beg. Because my family could not afford my expenses after my accident.'

After the death of his father, Pappu inherited 360 square feet of land. He sold the land and invested in the housing business. Currently, 32-year-old Pappu owns a total of one and a half crore rupees. Pappu also lends money to many people, told the media.

The police authorities advised him to give up this begging and lead a normal life. But it cannot be understood whether that word has entered the ears of this rich beggar. Because such a rich person who begs for a while becomes addicted to it. It is fair to say that this happened in the case of Pappu as well. Then the owner of so much money is supposed to be in the begging profession for so long?

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