The Dhaka Times
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Hirida hat sales!

The Dhaka Times Desk Hefazat Islam's long march has started from yesterday, April 5. An extreme anxiety has arisen all over the country around the long march of April 6. Madrasa-mosques and many common people are also participating in this long march. And so, to go to this long march, especially in Chittagong, the sale of hats has fallen all over the country.
In this long march of Hefazat Islami, many mosques across the country, especially madrasa students, have been involved. They wear hats almost all the time. But many common people also joined this movement. Many have been persuaded that this is a duty of faith. Because in their words, 'bloggers are atheists' and it is a religious duty to stand against the activities of these atheists. Moreover, the general public has also been made to understand that 'those bloggers have insulted our Prophet (PBUH). So it is a religious duty to be involved in their utkhat',

In the wake of such talk, many religious Muslims have also joined this movement of Hefazet Islami. And so the sale of hats has fallen all over the country including Chittagong. Because whoever participates in this long march must wear a hat. Thousands of hats have been sold in different parts of the country in the last two/three days. The hat shops saw a rush of customers. Hats are also made in small tailors. So many people said even in this worry, and anyway at least there are signs of observing Sunnah among people.

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