The Dhaka Times
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Disruption of train schedule due to fog and blockade

The Dhaka Times Desk Due to fog and blockade, the train schedule has been disrupted. Trains are late starting from 4/5 hours and sometimes 8/10 hours.

the siege train schedule

There has been a train schedule disaster. Trains are late starting from 4/5 hours and sometimes 8/10 hours. And the reason for this schedule disaster is fog and blockade. On the one hand, there is a continuous blockade. On the other hand, due to the fog, the suffering of the train passengers is now extreme.

According to railway sources, the train speed has already been reduced due to the blockade. Then there is the fog. Due to all these reasons the train schedule is not correct. It has also been observed that the train which is at 1 pm, sometimes leaves at 12 pm due to delays. Moreover, almost every train arrives and departs much later than the scheduled time. This situation started after the blockade started.

Starting from Kamalapur railway station in the capital to the airport station, many passengers are waiting for the train day and night. As there are no buses due to the blockade, trains are being chosen as an emergency mode of transportation. But due to the schedule disruption, the common man has to suffer a lot.

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