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Britney's boyfriend died in the hands of the Taliban!

The Dhaka Times Desk Pop star Britney Spears' ex-boyfriend John Sandal has been killed by the Taliban. The pop star expressed deep grief over the tragic death of her ex-boyfriend.


Pop star Britney Spears' ex-boyfriend John Sandal was recently killed by the Taliban. The pop star expressed deep grief over the tragic death of her ex-boyfriend. Sandal was a pilot by profession.

According to media sources, the Taliban fired at Sandal's helicopter while passing over the city of Kabul, Afghanistan recently. Due to which the helicopter crashed and he died.

It is known that 33-year-old Britney and 44-year-old Sandal met in 2007. They met at an anti-alcohol seminar in Los Angeles. From then on, a love relationship developed between them. She is quite shocked by the tragic death of her ex-lover. However, Britney has previously said that sandals have helped her break her drinking habit.

Sandal's brother Carl told the media that Sandal always tried to help people. His death is very heartbreaking. He also had a great relationship with Britney.

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