The Dhaka Times
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Breaking News: Nirav-Wriddhi is coming to the audience at 11 o'clock on the radio!

The Dhaka Times Desk Actor Nirav and his wife Tashfia Taher Chowdhury Riddhi are coming together to entertain the audience at a radio station today at 11 pm.

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Actor Nirav and his wife Tashfia Taher Chowdhury Riddhi are coming together for the first time on a radio station at 11 pm after the massive media coverage after their marriage.

This much-discussed couple will talk live on Radio Swadhani today at 11 pm. They will speak on a program called 'Uradhudra Bhalosha'. This program will be presented by Kaynat Khan.

Nirav and Riddhi got married very quietly recently. But after the marriage, Riddhi's father alleged that his daughter had been forced into marriage by silencing her. However, Riddhi, the bride, said that they did not forcefully, but willingly built a house.

Yesterday on Wednesday night Nirav told the media that this is the first time I am appearing on a radio program after marriage. We will tell about our love experience in that event. Not only that, the audience will be able to hear many of our own unknown words along with love.'

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