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Artists adamant on demand: Status strike continues

The Dhaka Times Desk Film artists are adamant about the demand. The position continued the strike. This movement program of artists against Hindi and Urdu films is going on.

Film Artists strike continues

On the fourth day at BFDC, the protest program of artists against Hindi and Urdu films was also celebrated yesterday. According to the program of the movement, a memorandum was presented to the Prime Minister's office under the banner of Bangladesh Film Oikyazot yesterday to attract the attention of the Prime Minister. A delegation led by Bangladesh Film Directors Association President Delwar Jahan Jhantu took the memorandum to the Prime Minister's office.

The crisis in the film industry, video piracy, tasteless sky culture, unhealthy and poor quality screening system, lack of capital, conspiracy to show films in sub-continental languages banned from import and many other issues are included in this memorandum.

The four-page memorandum called for effective steps to be taken to save the film industry in Bangladesh by stopping the import and screening of Hindi and Urdu as well as subcontinental films.

Speakers took part in a sit-in strike on the stage left of the main gate of BFDC and presented various arguments against the release of Hindi and Urdu language films. All the actors and director of the film were present in that gathering.

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