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Coco's first funeral in Malaysia this Sunday

The Dhaka Times Desk Koko's first funeral will be held today Sunday in Bad Johor Malaysia. His funeral will be held at the Central Mosque Negara in Malaysia.

Coco's first funeral Sunday

BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia's younger son Arafat Rahman Koko will have his first funeral in Malaysia. His funeral will be held at the Central Masjid Negara, Malaysia, after Sunday, Sunday. It is said that Tariq Rahman will be present there and after that the matter of burial will be decided by the family. However, prayer mahfil will be held today and tomorrow in all mosques of the country.

It is known that the BNP leaders and activists have gathered at Malaya University Center in Kuala Lumpur. Koko's body will be kept in a freezer at the Malaya University Center in Kuala Lumpur after the funeral at the central Masjid Negara in Johor Malaysia on Sunday. It is known that Koko's body is likely to be sent home on Monday morning.

It should be noted that Koko died yesterday Saturday at 12:30 noon Bangladesh time when he was taken to a hospital in Kuala Lumpur due to a heart attack.

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