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A resident of Mexico spent 56 days with football on his head! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk A resident of Mexico spent 56 days with a football on his head. He traveled 1 thousand 240 miles with the ball on his head. Walked for 56 days. The man's name was Juan Marquez Nieto.

56 days on the football

A resident of Mexico spent 56 days with a football on his head. He traveled 1 thousand 240 miles with the ball on his head. Walked for 56 days. The man's name was Juan Marquez Nieto. But this he did not for any record purpose. The reason is that he has already written his name in the Guinness World Book for walking with a football on his head for the longest time. He walked with the ball on his head only for the peace of the people of Mexico.

According to a recent news report, Huan is assisted in this work by a non-governmental organization. The organization demanded justice for the kidnapping of 43 children in Mexico last September.

On November 23 of last year, his campaign started with football in mind from the southwest coast of Mexico. After visiting 9 states of the country, Juan arrived in the capital city of Mexico. By that time, 1 thousand 240 miles round with the ball on the head is over. Huan walks 38 miles a day with a ball on his head in this quest for peace.

Note that in June 2011, Huan entered the Guinness World Book of Records by walking 7 and a half miles in 1 hour and 50 minutes with a football on his head.

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