The Dhaka Times
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Mom will act in the drama 'Tom and Jerry'

The Dhaka Times Desk 'Tom and Jerry' is a popular children's cartoon. Now, a play called 'Tom and Jerry' is being made. Lux star Zakia Bari Mom will act in it.

Tom and Jerry & mom-001

Lux star Zakia Bari Mom is very busy with films. That is why he is not seen much in TV dramas. However, this popular actress is also working in dramas in addition to films. He is acting in a skit named 'Tom and Jerry'. The shooting of the drama has already been completed.

In the story of the drama 'Tom and Jerry', mom loves someone. He imagines the person he loves in his mind's eye, but in reality he has never seen him. In the meantime, Mammar's marriage is arranged by his family members. What will mom do in such a situation? He went to meet his suitor. But I don't know why the husband is not too interested in meeting this daughter. All funny games are made between both parties. This is how the story of the play proceeds...

Actor Apoorva acted opposite Mamar in the drama. Written by Zakaria Soukhin, this 'Tom and Jerry' drama is directed by Chayanika Chowdhury.

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