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A rare friendship story with lions! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk People are friends with people. But human friendship with animals is very rare. Now such a story was heard. A story of a rare friendship between humans and lions.

Lion people friendship

We often see friendship between people. But friendship with animals is rarely seen in our eyes. But this time a rare story of human friendship with lions was heard. The most surprising thing is that such a ferocious animal as a lion has completely changed its being in return for friendship with man. Being closer to his friend, the lion completely changed himself. The lion, whose nature is to roar and growl, has become a stupid animal for friendship.

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But there is a story hidden behind this love or friendship. 3 years ago, German conservationist Valentin Gruener picked up a lion cub. The cub died in the hot environment of the Botswana desert.

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Gruener took him to Modisa sanctuary. Save the cub's life by caring for it with your own hands. And from that their deep friendship started. Valentin named the cub Sirga.

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Valentin Gruener teaches Sirga everything from hunting to living with other wild animals.

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That cub Sirga is now a young woman. A documentary film is also going to be made about Sirga, a giant lioness weighing 140 kg. The documentary will be mainly made with these experiences of Sirga's life. But now the news of Sirga and Valentine's friendship has spread worldwide through mass media including YouTube.

See examples of lion-human friendship

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