The Dhaka Times
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Breaking news: Malaysia-bound trawler sinks in Kutubdia with hundreds of passengers

The Dhaka Times Desk A Malaysian-bound trawler sank at Kutubdia in Cox's Bazar with more than 100 passengers. One body and 36 people were recovered alive. Efforts are underway to rescue the rest.


A trawler bound for Malaysia sank in the Khodaibari area of Kutubdia channel in Coxzabazar on Thursday morning. Hundreds of passengers are believed to be missing. On receiving the information, the Coast Guard and the police rescued a body and 36 passengers from the spot.

Meanwhile, Navy rescue ship Tanveer has left for the spot from Chittagong to join the rescue operation. It is known that these passengers were going to Malaysia illegally by trawler.

It is believed that there were more than 150 passengers on the trawler bound for Malaysia, and 100 passengers are still missing. Coastguard and police are continuing rescue operations.
