The Dhaka Times
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BREAKING NEWS: Nationwide 72-hour strike from Sunday to Wednesday morning

The Dhaka Times Desk The BNP-led 20-party alliance has called a 72-hour nationwide strike from Sunday to Wednesday morning.

72-hour nationwide Hartal

The BNP-led 20-party alliance has called a 72-hour strike from 6 am on Sunday to 6 am on Wednesday in addition to the continuous blockade. Joint Secretary General Rizvi Ahmed announced in a statement that this hartal has been announced to demand the killing of the leaders and activists of the opposition alliance in crossfire, the end of violence by the joint forces and the return of people's right to vote. At the same time, BNP and 20-party alliance leaders and workers at all levels called upon the countrymen to observe a peaceful and spontaneous strike of 72 hours. Before this, the 20-party alliance has been holding a continuous blockade program since January 6, demanding the right to assembly and fair elections.

It should be noted that the SSC examination is starting from Monday, February 2 across the country. A strike in such a situation is like a 'death blow' in a siege.

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