The Dhaka Times
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The 72-hour strike began with the blockade of 20 parties

The Dhaka Times Desk A nationwide 72-hour strike has begun with the continuous blockade of the BNP-led 20-party alliance. However, no untoward incident has been reported so far.

72-hour Hartal
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A nationwide 72-hour strike called with a continuous blockade of 20 parties has begun. But so far no untoward incident has been reported anywhere in the country. However, a bus was set on fire in the Newmarket area on Saturday night, the day before the strike.

Public transport in the capital is normal. However, the long-distance bus did not leave. No long distance bus has left from Gabtali, Mohakhali and Syedabad bus terminals since morning. However, trains are running as usual from Kamalapur railway station.

Meanwhile, the SSC and equivalent exams are going to start from tomorrow. There are also doubts about how this test will be conducted. But today it will be informed whether the exam will be held or not.

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