The Dhaka Times
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Breaking News: Massive fire in plastic factory in Mirpur: 9 bodies recovered

The Dhaka Times Desk The bodies of 9 people have been recovered so far in the incident of a terrible fire in a plastic factory at Mirpur-1 of the capital. 2 injured persons have been admitted to the burn unit of Dhaka Medical College Hospital.

plastic Factory fire 9 Killed

9 dead bodies have been recovered so far in a plastic factory in Nasim Market near Sony Cinema Hall in Mirpur-1 of the capital. 2 injured persons have been admitted to the burn unit of Dhaka Medical College Hospital.

It is known that the fire started suddenly around 5 pm. The flames kept growing. On receiving the news, 20 units of fire service brought the fire under control after 2 hours of tireless work. After bringing the fire under control, 9 bodies were recovered from inside. A few others who were burnt have been admitted to the burn unit of Dhaka Medical College Hospital. It is known that the boiler explosion caused the fire.

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