The Dhaka Times
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The strike of the last day of 20 parties is going on

The Dhaka Times Desk Today is the last day of the three-day 72-hour strike by the BNP-led 20-party alliance. SSC exam is tomorrow. No one knows yet what will happen.

The last day of Hartal
Farmgate area in Hartal (file photo)

Today is the last day of the 72-hour long strike called by 20 groups. SSC exam is tomorrow. There is apprehension about whether the students will be able to participate in the examination properly or not.

There are so many fears among parents and students. In the end, almost 14 lakh students of this country will have to appear for the exam risking their lives.

Meanwhile, the strike is being celebrated in different parts of the country with vandalism and arson. The train line was vandalized yesterday. The incident of arson started the evening before the hartal. There were incidents of vandalism and arson in different parts of the country for three consecutive days. Even today, long-distance buses have not left the capital. However, public transport is running as usual in the capital. The train left Kamalapur railway station almost normally. But many trains are delayed.

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