The Dhaka Times
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Unstable conditions: Know what to do on public transport

The Dhaka Times Desk In the current political instability of the country, the common people are in a lot of trouble. Leaving the house is now like an uncertain journey. Still, if you need to get out, know what you need to do to survive the situation.

Mass Transportation & Fire

Currently, there is such a situation in the country that leaving the house has become a rare thing. But even if you don't leave the house, it won't happen. So what to do? Today's report is based on the information of a report of bdnews 24 about those issues.

Do not leave the house unless necessary. However, if you have to go out for an emergency, try to avoid public transport. A rickshaw or a bicycle is a good mode of transport at the moment. It will make your movement fairly safe. It is better not to go outside for the time being except during rickshaw movement due to strikes or blockades.

Mass Transportation & Fire-2
These soft drink bottles have now become a staple!

If you are forced to take public transport, there are a few things you need to take care of and take your time. For example:

# Most of the bus windows in Dhaka city are not fixed. So check whether the bus you are boarding has all the windows. Petrol bombs are often thrown through windows. So this precaution can save your life while riding the bus.

# Bus windows must be closed. You will see some fellow passengers trying to keep the windows open a bit, for air. But warn him. Because even through this small passage, fire can enter inside.

Try to board the # bus and go inwards. It is important to try to avoid the seats near the bus doors at this time.

# The seats reserved for women in local buses in the capital have to be seated with the back towards the window. That is why women are in the most dangerous situation. They can avoid these seats in the critical situation of this time. And if you have to sit down then the windows must be closed. So make your wife or daughter or sister who is traveling on the road understand the general precautions well.

# moving period you must be careful. Don't be Facebooking, listening to music with headphones or other mind while riding public transport. Keep a watchful eye around the time while on the bus.

# Reviewing attacks over the past month, empty or overcrowded areas are more vulnerable. Increase the level of caution when the bus comes to such places.

What to do if you ever get infected:

If you are affected then some things should be known in advance the fire triangle formulas:
A fire requires 3 things:

1. fuel
2. oxygen
3. the heat

When a fire breaks out in a place, a chain reaction creates a supply of them and continues until it burns out. So to extinguish the fire, any one of the 3 must be absent.

What to do if you are infected:

Under no circumstances should you run if your body is on fire. Because by starting to run, oxygen will be added to the fire, increasing the level of the fire. That's why the best way to fight a fire with your bare hands is to roll on the ground with both hands covering your face. By doing this a few times you can put out your own fire.

Petrol floats in water as it is lighter than water and water also contains oxygen. So pouring water on petrol fire may not douse the fire. Rather, it may increase. So, do not pour water on the affected person and wrap them with a thick cloth.

Fire Service and Civil Defense Control Room Number:

Save the number two in your mobile now. These two numbers are the control room numbers of Fire Service Civil Defense. Tel: 02-9555 555 and Mobile: 01730336699.

But at the moment of attack, you need an ambulance more than the fire service. In the following link you will find the list of ambulance service providers of important hospitals in Dhaka city. Save some numbers in mobile according to the required area of these numbers. Click here to get Dhaka Ambulance Service Number.

Do not panic if you are in danger. Be aware yourself and make everyone around you aware. Only then will it be possible to deal with such an unstable situation.

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