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Now found 200-year-old 'living mummy'!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have read the mummy story many times but this time we found a 200 year old 'living mummy'. This is the mummy of a monk sitting on Padmasana.

living mummy

We have read Mummy Kanihi many times. Many researchers have also presented a lot of information by researching mummies. A lot of early history has come out of these mummies. But this time a little exceptional mummy story was heard. 'Living Mummy'! You can see the picture. A monk sitting on Padmasana. His left fist is open. Mantra Sutra pose with right hand. The mummified body showed no signs of decomposition. Researchers believe that the mummy is about 200 years old. Buddhist scholars say that sitting in this asana means the monk is still in 'deep meditation'. Forensic scientists are examining the mummy. The meme was found last week in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. There is a worldwide uproar over the mummy of this monk found.

According to media reports, the monk's mummy was found wrapped in animal skin from a house in Sangino Khairkhan area of Ulaanbaatar. According to local media reports, it is believed that the mummy was stolen from a cave and kept in the house for sale. However, a 45-year-old man has been arrested in this incident.

The mummy is believed to be around 200 years old, but the identity of the monk has not been confirmed so far. The mummy has been taken to the National Forensic Expert Center in Ulaanbaatar, according to Mongolian news media.

Gankhuigin Puirevat, founder of the Mongolian Institute of Buddhist Art at Ulaanbaatar Buddhist University, told Siberian media, 'This lama is sitting in the Padmasana in the Vajra posture. Left fist open and right hand mantra posture.' According to this Buddhist scholar, 'this indication means that he is not yet dead. According to the ancient practice of Buddhist lamas, this means that he is still deep in meditation.'

Many Buddhist scholars say, 'That monk may be in 'tukdam' or a meditative state, which is a different state than 'living or dead'. Barry Karzin Siberian, a physician and monk of the Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, said, "If one can spend three weeks in that state, one's body will eventually be reduced to nothing but hair, nails and clothing."

Note that a similar incident took place in the Buryatia region of Russia. Buddhist lama Dashi-Darzho Itigilov's body was exhumed in 2002, showing no signs of decomposition. The monks of Ulan Ude Bihar said that they could feel that Itigilov's body temperature would rise during the festival. In 1927, Itigilov passed away while meditating. He asked his disciples to bury him in Padmasana. Itigilov's body was covered in salt and buried.

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