The Dhaka Times
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Arifin Shubo's happy marriage was completed in Kolkata

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no dearth of interest among the audience in the marriage of film stars. This generation's TV and film actor Arifin Shubo's marriage has also created interest among the audience. On February 6, the happy marriage was completed in Talliganj, Kolkata.

Arifin Happy & Happy marriage

On February 6, Arifin Shubo's happy marriage was completed in a domestic ceremony at Kan's father's house in Taliganj, Kolkata. Their marriage registry formalities were also completed on the same day. Bride's name is Arpita. Arpita is a fashion designer from Kolkata. It is said that the rest of her wedding ceremony will be completed in Dhaka on February 16.

After the marriage, Shubo told the national daily of Kolkata, 'I started the journey for a new life. Everyone please pray for me and Arpita. I wish everyone that prayer that we can walk happily and peacefully.'

Fashion designer Arpita has been in Dhaka for eight years. Working here in an international organization. Shubo met Arpita a few years ago. After that, they were bound by family due to acquaintance.

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