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Now coming three display phones!

The Dhaka Times Desk Modern technology is taking the people of the world to another world. Especially new modern technology mobile sets are taking the information technology to a higher peak. Among various technology-based products, three display phones are coming this time.

The coming three display phone
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Thanks to the technology, two more new phones with a metal structure are coming this time, one of which will have three displays. The smartphone will have a total of 3 displays including two on the sides and one on the front. Again, each display can be operated separately. South Korean Samsung will release such a smartphone in the market. It is known that Samsung will announce this latest phone at the Mobile World Congress to be held in Spain next month.

The coming three display phone-2

According to the media, Samsung will announce two models of smartphones with 5.1 inch main display at the Mobile World Congress to be held in Spain. Among them, a smartphone will have three displays. These two phones will have a metal frame and use Samsung's own processor.

It is known that Samsung is working on developing this new smartphone internally under the name of Project Zero. Earlier, this company has launched a smartphone named Galaxy Note Edge with a curved display on the front and sides of the case. Although no direct announcement has yet been made about this new smartphone, Samsung authorities have given some hints.

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