The Dhaka Times
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Today is World Valentine's Day: Love can save society!

The Dhaka Times Desk Love has been immortal since the birth of the world. Without love, the world is truly stagnant. There are different types of love. In order to make love more intense, the people of the world today celebrate this day on 14 February as World Valentine's Day.

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Without love, the world is truly stagnant. Child's love for mother, wife's love for husband, husband's love for wife. Then there is the love of lovers. In a word, the world is stagnant without love. Today, February 14 is the day of love. World Valentine's Day. Today this day is being celebrated in Bangladesh along with the whole world.

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Without love, the definition of the world might be different. Without the love of man for man, the world would be a different story. On this day, not only children, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters and even families will go out for a walk and spend time. People's love for people will be revealed. Maybe the normal pace of society will be different for this love. Everyone can forget the violence and come together again. Human compassion for humans may help preserve our society. We can think about that. Because seeing the political violence of the present time, everyone may have the idea that maybe everyone will be guided in the right direction by being inspired by this love. What is the harm in bringing such thoughts? Let us try that today on this day of love. Let the fragrance of flowers wash away all the dirt of the society.

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Greetings from The Dhaka Times on Valentine's Day to all.

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