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Love has kept them together in the grave for 1500 years!

The Dhaka Times Desk They both held hands and looked at each other for 1500 years. Feeling surprised? Recently, the skeletons of such a couple were found in the same grave. Discoverers see it as a sign of love.


A group of anthropologists made this extraordinary discovery while excavating an ancient Roman palace in the Italian city of Modena (formerly known as Matina). Male and female skeletons lying side by side. They are still holding hands. Turning the woman's head towards the man. Although the men's heads are facing away, anthropologist Venia Milani suggests that they were looking at each other. Maybe it has changed over time.

Skeletal remains of a Roman-era couple reveal the pair has been holding hands for 1500 years, Italy  - 02 Nov 2011

It is believed that they were buried at the end of the Roman Empire, i.e. in the fifth century. At that time many people died in Europe due to the plague. They may also have died from the same cause. A bronze ring on the woman's hand suggests they are married. Perhaps they were members of the noble family of that time in Matina.


Authorities said their remains will be on display in a museum near the city from next year. This is not the first time that graves have been found together in Italy. Earlier, a 5,000-year-old couple's grave was found near Matina in 2007.

May love live forever. This world is a perfect reservoir of love. Sometimes people from ancient times teach us, who is love?

Source: Dailymail

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