The Dhaka Times
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Discover a device that will measure human happiness!

The Dhaka Times Desk Although everything can be measured, there was no measuring instrument for happiness until recently. But this time it is going to happen. A device has been invented that measures the happiness of people in groups.

measure people's happiness

Until now, the calculation of how happy and unhappy was based on guesswork. One could say 'I'm happy' without being happy but now that can't be done. A device has been invented that will do the difficult task of determining how happy people really are. The Japanese company Hitachi is going to implement this difficult task.

With the help of this new high-tech 'happiness measuring device' made by Hitachi, an office boss can easily know whether his employees are happy or unhappy working in the office.

According to media sources, the company has developed a credit card-sized wearable device loaded with a sensor. In addition to locating the wearer, the device will also determine whether the person is sitting, standing, or typing. Again, this device will also record who is talking to whom for how long, along with other activities.

The idea behind the system, Hitachi said, is for workers to look at how they can increase happiness within a group by improving their productivity. However, this system will not act as a sole measure of anyone's happiness. It is estimated to be priced at $840.

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