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Ronaldo is the hero of the film!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen many singer-turned-hero cases. But the hero from the player! There are not many such cases in the world. Now heard, the hero of the film is the Brazilian football star Ronaldo!

Ronaldo the hero of the movie

Brazilian football star Ronaldo wants to explore his destiny on celluloid to start a global exceptional event. And for that, Ronaldo has come down quite tight. Internationally famous football player Ronaldo wants to give himself as an actor. He can be a favorite of directors as he does not mind working with any actress. And directors are always looking for such actors. He also has an international reputation.

Ronaldo has recently expressed his desire to make a career in cinema. He also said that he likes all the actresses.
Because he has recently been caught on paparazzi's camera while walking around Hollywood. For work or just walking around? In response to such questions from reporters, Ronaldo said that the purpose was both. He opened his mouth to the journalists - expressed his desire.

Note that in 2011, this famous footballer retired from playing prematurely due to physical problems. However, despite not playing in the national team, Ronaldo continued to practice by playing in various clubs.

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