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IS has burned 45 people to death in Iraq

The Dhaka Times Desk Islamic State (IS) burned 45 people to death in Iraq. This horrific incident took place in the city of al-Baghdadi in western Iraq on Tuesday.

45 people killed in Iraq

Islamic State (IS) fighters have burned 45 people to death in Iraq. This horrific incident took place in al-Baghdadi city of western Iraq on Tuesday. The authenticity of the news could not be confirmed due to the conflict zone and poor communication system.

According to the media, it is still not clear who these people are and why they were brutally killed. However, local police chief Colonel Qasim Al Obedi told the media that he believed several members of the security forces were among the dead.

Colonel Obedi also told the media, 'IS militants attacked a house where members of the security forces and government officials are staying. He appealed to the government and the international community for help.'

It should be noted that last week, the Islamic State (IS) captured most of the city of al-Baghdadi, which is located next to the US airbase Ain al-Assad. It is currently in their possession.

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