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Breaking News - World Cup Cricket: Bangladesh Tigers defeated Afghanistan

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh Tigers defeated Afghanistan. Coming down to the target of 268 runs given by Bangladesh, Afghanistan managed to score only 162 runs after losing all wickets.

Bangladesh bat

Bangladesh Tigers defeated Afghanistan. Coming down to the target of 268 runs given by Bangladesh, Afghanistan managed to score only 162 runs after losing all wickets. Bangladesh beat Afghanistan by 105 runs.

Bangladesh bat-002
Taskin's ball speed was unusual

Chasing the 268 runs given by Bangladesh, Afghanistan was the first to stumble. Afghanistan lost 3 wickets for just 3 runs. Afghanistan is under great pressure. Due to which their run speed decreases. 3 They played for a long time after going to UK. Although the run was not that much.

Congratulations to the Bangladesh team from The Dhaka Times.

Bangladesh Next Match:

Saturday 21 February 2015
Australia vs Bangladesh (9.30 am)

Click to get the full feature:

ICC Cricket World Cup 2015: Starts February 14 to March 29 [Fixture]

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