The Dhaka Times
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The story of the world's most expensive motorcycle!

The Dhaka Times Desk After many expensive cars, expensive watches, expensive houses in the world, now comes the most expensive motorcycle in the world with a price of 1 crore 75 lakh rupees!

The world's most expensive motorcycle story

Not yet released in the market, but the world's most expensive motorcycle is in the making. This high-tech bike is brought to the market by the Swiss company Philline.

According to media reports, famous designer Yacoba designed this bike named 'Feline One'. The price of the bike will be around 1 crore 75 lakh rupees - it has been reported. And as such it is the most expensive bike in the world. This bike will be made of carbon, titanium, aerospace aluminum and fine leather.

The world's most expensive motorcycle story-2

According to media reports, this bike is being made after 4 long years of research. Great design and high technology are the main attraction of this bike. This 801 cc bike will have a 3 cylinder engine. There will also be a 6-speed gearbox. The weight of this bike is 155 kg. The weight of this bike will make driving a pleasure.

The famous designer Yacoba told the media about this, he has seen all kinds of machines in the world for the last 10 years. After that, using his own ideas, he created this advanced technology bike. This new bike will come in the market at the beginning of 2016. It is believed that this bike will surprise everyone. References:

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