The Dhaka Times Desk Actors and actresses from the small screen are turning to the big screen these days. Milan-Meem is now a pair on the big screen.
In the past, Milan-Meem pair were seen in dramas or telefilms on small screen, but this is the first time they are pairing up on the big screen. Small screen popular actors Anisur Rahman Milan and Vidya Sinha have teamed up in the film 'Sampoorna Ranang' directed by Meem Debashish Biswas. They are appearing together on the silver screen for the first time.
According to media sources, they have recently signed a contract to act in the film 'Sampurna Ranang'. Actor Milan will be seen in the role of a cinema hall ticket blacker in this film. Another extra dancer Meem will be his lover.
The screenplay of the film 'Sampurna Ranang' is written by NK Salil of Kolkata. Milon said that the shooting will start from next May in Dhaka and nearby cities. About the film, he told the media, 'The film is of a different dimension. This film is made with the people of the film. Most of the film will be shot in Bangladesh. But you may have to go outside the country for music.'
Talking about acting in a film for the first time with actress Meem, Milan said, 'I worked with Meem in a play. Meem is also doing very well in films. I think everyone will like our pairing.'