The Dhaka Times
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Can't find a bride for marriage in China!

The Dhaka Times Desk In China, the much-discussed 'one-child' policy has resulted in male outnumbering of females. So there is no bride for marriage!

China & the bride for the wedding

One of the interesting news in the news media is that there is no bride for marriage in China. In China, the much-discussed 'one-child' policy has resulted in male outnumbering of females. That is why it has become a rare thing to find a bride for marriage in China.

This information is known in news agency PTI. According to reports, China's widening gender gap may force nearly 3.5 million men to seek brides abroad.

According to the news, according to the 2013 estimate, the number of men in China is 697.2 million. There are 663.4 million women. As it appears, the number of men is 33.8 million more than women. In China in the late 1980s the ratio of children was 108:100, in 2013 this ratio stood at 117:100. The ratio is believed to be much higher in some areas, according to reports.

It is known that a one-child policy was introduced more than 3 decades ago to control China's population. Due to the effect of this policy, the demand for male children in the society increased a lot. Now China has to count the negative 'evil' of that policy.

A recent incident shows how serious the situation is. Last year, BBC Online reported that a group of women traffickers brought women and girls from abroad to China with the lure of work. The women and girls were then sold as wives to Chinese men at exorbitant prices. These incidents remind us of the women's crisis.

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