The Dhaka Times
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Exceptional movie 'Priority' story

The Dhaka Times Desk An exceptional movie 'Priority' has a story in today's entertainment segment. The film 'Priority' is based on an extraordinary love story.

Exceptional film praioriti

The short film 'Priority' was produced by two young filmmakers Mustafa Kamal Sohail and Chanchal. Screenplay written by Nasif. Affan Mitul and Saimun played the two main roles of 'Priority' respectively. Shooting of 'Priority' has been done in different places of capital Dhaka. Tanveer Ahmed served as the cameraman. Jamiul Islam Maruf, Faria Fariel, Himel Khandkar, Lucent Hasanat, Aranya Humayun and others have acted in other roles of 'Priority'.

In its story, Mitul and Jessie love each other. On Valentine's Day, Mitul spends a lot of money to give his girlfriend an expensive mobile phone. Mitul neglects his sick mother despite asking money from his son for treatment. He buys an expensive mobile phone for his lover Jessie without taking care of her mother's treatment. Coincidentally, Mitul's mother died on Valentine's Day. Mitul became speechless after losing his mother. He was filled with regret. The story of the short film 'Priority' has proceeded with such a story.

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