Categories: the economy

World Bank's commitment to support Bangladesh to become a middle-income country

The Dhaka Times Desk Annette Dixon, Vice President of the World Bank's South Asia region, has promised to support Bangladesh to become a middle-income country. This was informed in a circular sent from the Dhaka office of the World Bank.

It is known that Annette Dixon, Vice President of South Asia Region of the World Bank, has promised Bangladesh's continued support in becoming a middle-income country. This was informed in a circular sent from the Dhaka office of the World Bank on Thursday.

World Bank Vice President visiting Bangladesh said, 'Bangladesh's role in achieving significant progress in poverty alleviation and human development is globally recognized. Other countries of the world can learn from this rich development experience of Bangladesh. The World Bank is always committed to working with Bangladesh in poverty alleviation and human development.

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The visiting World Bank Vice President said, 'The World Bank is ready to support Bangladesh in achieving its declared goal of becoming a middle-income country. He also said that the World Bank's support to Bangladesh will always continue to achieve the goal of Bangladesh becoming a middle-income country within the current decade.

The World Bank Vice President thinks that, for this reason, there is work to be done in Bangladesh in terms of reducing electricity shortage, immediate solution to transportation problems, dealing with the effects of urbanization and climate change, improving the business environment, and increasing the quality of government services.

Note that this is Dixon's first visit to Bangladesh after assuming office in December 2014. During his visit to Dhaka, World Bank Vice President Finance Minister Abul Mal Abdul Muhit, Bangladesh Bank Governor Dr. Atiur Rahman and held a meeting with high level officials of the government.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২৬, ২০১৫ 9:26 pm

Staff reporter

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