The Dhaka Times
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The story of a bikini bride in Bulgaria!

The Dhaka Times Desk The story of the market is very old. But the story of Kone Bikinini Haat has never been heard before. Now I will tell you the story of a bikini market in Bulgaria.

Bulgaria is one of the bride Hat story

A market where beautiful women are standing in line. Someone is busy with makeup. Someone is fixing gold ornaments with their clothes and expectations. It may seem like they are in a beauty pageant. But actually it is not. The surprising story is that his parents took them to that market to find a new partner (husband)!

The scene and image is an open market in the city of Stara Zogra in Bulgaria, a prosperous country in Europe. Poor parents in the Roma community (locally called 'kalaidezhi') take their daughters to market. For this reason, a union of that community gives all the expenses of the girl's marriage to the parents.

According to media reports, young men come to that market to choose a bride for marriage. His family members are also present at this time. The boys choose the bride from among the girls present. Later, however, they got married based on the family's choice and consent.

It is known that this 'Kane Haat' is installed four times in a year. Locals said that the market is set up during religious holidays, spring and summer, hoping to get the grace of the Roman priest. The young men and women who come to the market not only get a chance to gossip, but they also play the role of matchmaker themselves. Again, the youth of the conservative community took this opportunity to dance, sing and indulge in various activities. Posing in pictures, even drinking light drinks at this time.

It is known that the families of the ancient Roma community in Bulgaria have been traditionally marrying sons and daughters in this way since the era of copperplates. Unions of these communities have to spend between two and a half to four and a half thousand pounds for the marriage of a girl. Thinking about protecting their own traditions, parents have been bringing their children to the market for ages. At this time, it seems as if a marriage has fallen. In order to marry marriageable girls from home to home, parents start making preparations to bring girls to market. The story of this hut that has been going on for ages is really like a unique and unbelievable event.

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