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High-speed 5G: one terabyte of speed per second!

The Dhaka Times Desk Fast 5G speeds of one terabyte per second. Researchers at the 5G Innovation Center (5GIC) at the University of Surrey in England have achieved this speed in data connectivity.

5G one terabyte per second speed

According to media sources, researchers at the 5G Innovation Center (5GIC) at the University of Surrey in England have recently achieved speeds of one terabit per second in data connectivity. It is said that this 5G is about 65 thousand times faster than the normal 4G connection - this is what the researchers said.

FiveGAC chiefs hope to demonstrate the new technology to the public by 2018, according to a BBC report. By the year 2020, this 5G can reach the public in the United Kingdom, as claimed by Ofcom, the relevant regulatory body of the United Kingdom.

FiveGIC director Professor Rahim Tafazoli told the media, 'We have developed 10 breakthrough technologies and one of them means we can achieve 1 terabit per second speed wirelessly. This is equivalent to the capacity of fiber optics, but the new technology is wireless.'

According to the news, the research team is testing 5G at a distance of 100 meters in a lab environment using its own equipment. But it remains to be seen whether it will be possible to achieve the same speed in the real world. Earlier, Professor Tafazoli wanted to test several times in the vicinity of the university - said BBC.

According to the news, mobile devices with 5G speed will be able to transfer files at a speed of 10 to 50 gigabytes per second. At present, data can be transferred at an average speed of 15 megabytes per second in 4G connection, said those concerned.

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