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Slaughter of elephants at the birthday party!

The Dhaka Times Desk Birthday celebrations are also stylish these days. One such birthday party has been reported. Elephants have been slaughtered at that festival!

Birthday & elephants

This birthday is the birthday celebration of none other than Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe. In his birthday celebrations, guests were entertained by slaughtering elephants. President Mugabe's 91st birthday was celebrated last Saturday at a luxury hotel in the country's Victoria Falls resort. The Dawn with this news.

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According to media sources, at least several thousand leaders and activists of the country's ruling ZANU-PF party were present at the celebration of President Robert Mugabe's birthday. When Mugabe appeared at the festival, the party workers welcomed the veteran leader by singing and dancing. 91 balloons are flown in the sky to commemorate the birthday. President Mugabe was accompanied by his wife Grassi and other family members.

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Guests are allowed to sit in white awnings on the hotel's golf course. And some elephants are slaughtered for their entertainment. 7 large cakes are placed under a white canopy. A giant portrait of Mugabe, weighing 91 kg, was also adorned there, facing the Victoria Falls.

It should be noted that Mugabe, the oldest leader in the world, has been serving as the president of Zimbabwe continuously since independence from Britain in 1980.

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