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The price of an egg is 58 thousand rupees!

The Dhaka Times Desk An egg sold at an online auction in a city in the United Kingdom sold for 480 British pounds. Which is 58 thousand in money!

58 Thousand of the price of an egg money

We know how much an egg can cost. The price of an egg can be 10 to 15 rupees. But if it is heard that the price of an egg is 58 thousand rupees, then you will be in a situation where you will be stuck. It may be hard to believe such an event. But the story is true. In the UK, a large number of eggs were recently sold on e-commerce company eBay.

According to a report in Mail Online, a Buff Orpington (black-and-white breed) hen laid this expensive egg at a recently held egg pie festival. One of the biggest features of the egg is that it looks almost round like a ball. The owner of the chicken, Kim Broughton, a resident of Essex, England, was surprised to see such eggs.

44-year-old Kim Broughton decided to cook and eat these eggs. But before that, he posted the picture on Facebook. After seeing this picture, one of his colleagues forbade him to do so after learning about his decision.

Kim Broughton later decided to auction the eggs online, according to media reports. He was surprised when the egg sold at auction for 480 British pounds; Which is about 58 thousand taka in Bangladeshi taka.

According to the media, Kim Broughton has decided to donate the money to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, a British charity. Because his friend's son died of this disease.

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