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Historical Darya Khan Mosque of Bagerhat

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Friday, 6 March 2015 Christ, 22 Falgun 1421 Bangabd, 14 Jamadiul Awal 1436 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.


The picture you are looking at is the historic Darya Khan Mosque in Bagerhat. The mosque of Darya Khan, one of the closest companions of Hazrat Khan Jahan (RA) is a forgotten name today. The mosque is now known as 'Ranbijaipur One Dome Mosque' by the local villagers and even in the documents of the Directorate of Archaeology. This mosque is the largest single-domed mosque of the Muslim era preserved in Bangladesh.

UNESCO has declared all the structures of the Khan Jahan period in the ancient mosque town of Bagerhat as 'World Heritage'. It is known that Darya Khan Mosque is also a part of this world heritage. On the one hand, world heritage recognition is being devalued by changing the name, and on the other hand, the existence of this valuable historical structure is threatened due to lack of proper care and maintenance.

On the Bagerhat-Khulna road from Hazrat Khanjahan (RA)'s shrine junction, the road which enters Ranbijaipur village towards the north is the 'Fakirbari' intersection. And next to the entrance of this Fakirbari, this Darya Khan Mosque stands as a witness of 600 years of history.

Belal Fakir (62), one of the oldest members of Fakirbari, told the media that this historic mosque was known as Dariya Khan Mosque and the pond on the south side of the mosque was known as Dariya Khan Dighi. The elders of the area still know the mosque by this name. The beautifully built grave next to the mosque is believed to be that of Hazrat Dariya Khan.

At the time of conservation of the mosque, the Directorate of Archeology did not try to connect the name of Dariya Khan with the mosque or to reveal the true identity of the grave. This mosque is popularly known as 'Ranbijoypur One Dome Mosque' and sometimes as 'Fakirbari Mosque'.

It is known that this Dariya Khan is one of those whose name is mentioned as a close companion of Hazrat Khan Jahan (RA) in the history book of Jessore-Khulna by Satish Chandra Mitra published in 1914. The description given in this book under the title 'Khalifatabad' mentions Darya Khan Masjid in Ranbijaipur village. At present, Muslims from Daritaluq, Ranbijaipur and surrounding villages regularly pray in this historic Dariya Khan mosque.

References: courtesy of

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