The Dhaka Times Desk After the news that BNP leader Salah Uddin was 'arrested' came out, the matter was not acknowledged by law and order forces. That is, he is still missing.
BNP Joint Secretary General Salah Uddin Ahmed has been 'arrested' but the law enforcement agencies have not acknowledged his arrest, despite his family claims. Salah Uddin's wife, Hasina Ahmed, said, "On Tuesday night, plainclothes law enforcement officers picked up her husband."
Hasina Ahmed said that Salah Uddin was taken away from a house in Uttara at night by people in white clothes in the identity of the law enforcement forces. Where he was taken, we still do not know.
However, the law and order forces did not acknowledge the detention of Salah Uddin. Mufti Mahmud Khan, director of RAB's media wing, said, "He does not know about the arrest of this BNP leader."
It is to be noted that BNP leader Salah Uddin has been announcing various programs of the party including blockade-hartal on behalf of the 20-party coalition from an unknown place after the continuous blockade-hartal.
This post was last modified on মার্চ ১১, ২০১৫ 10:19 pm
দি ঢাকা টাইমস্ ডেস্ক ॥ শীতে মধু মাখলে বেশ উপকার পাওয়া যাবে। যে কারণে এই…
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