The Dhaka Times
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Panda bite court case: compensation received 65 million taka!

The Dhaka Times Desk A person was bitten by a panda and received a compensation of 65 lakh taka in court. The incident took place in the Guanquanzhi area of Gansu province in northwestern China.

Panda & court

According to media reports, a man was bitten by a man in the Guanquanzhi area of Gansu province in northwestern China. The person then filed a case against the local government authority in court. In the end, the person won the case. The court ordered to pay about 83 thousand US dollars in damages. Which is like 65 lakhs in Bangladeshi taka.

Pandas are known as cuddly animals for their calm nature, the news agency reported. Being a member of the bear family, pandas can sometimes bite fiercely.

The person named Kuan said that the panda suddenly entered the village of Lijiba in Gansu province in the northwestern part of China. When the local authorities chased it, it moved to the Guan Kuanzhi area.

Kuan also said, 'I saw, suddenly a panda jumped in front of me. Then its whole body was smeared on the ground.' He said the panda bit his leg. Then someone came and covered the panda's head with a coat and the panda let go. After that, he underwent surgery on his leg for 7 hours.

It is to be noted that after this incident, his son Kuan filed a case in the court in the name of the forest department of Baishuijian National Nature Reserve on behalf of Kuan.

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