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The world's largest earthen mosque is the Grand Mosque of Disney

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Friday, 20 March 2015 Christ, 6 Chaitra 1421 Bangabd, 28 Jamadiul Awal 1436 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

World biggest mosqiue

The picture you are looking at is the world's largest clay mosque Grand Mosque of Disney! The mosque is located in the northern African city of Dzeni.

The name of this mosque located in the city of Dzeni in the northern part of Africa is the Grand Mosque of Dzeni. It is the largest mud mosque in the world. There is no exact information about when this mosque was first built. However, it is heard that the mosque was built between 1200 and 1300 centuries.

It is known that after converting to Islam, Sultan Kunburu demolished his palace and built this mosque there. To the east of the mosque he built another palace for his residence.

It is known that this mosque located on the banks of Bani river is built on a 3 feet high platform with a volume of 245 feet. This platform form protects the mosque from the flood waters of the Bani river during monsoons. The walls of the mosque are made of palm wood, locally known as toral. Not only the design, palm tree wood has been embedded in the walls of the mosque in such a way that the mud wall does not collapse easily.

According to one information, this mosque was the main and important center for the spread of Islamic education in this region of Africa in the Middle Ages. Thousands of students used to come to this mosque to study Quran. Every year, this mosque is renovated by the initiative of the local Muslim community. In 1988, UNESCO listed this mosque along with its surrounding historical sites as 'World Heritage'.

Source: Courtesy of

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