The Dhaka Times
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Breaking news: After the World Cup mission, the Tigers of Bengal returned home

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladeshi cricketers who participated in World Cup cricket have returned home. Thousands of cricket fans congratulated the Bengal Tigers at the airport tonight.

Returned Team Bangladesh

Bangladesh cricket team returned home after the World Cup campaign. Mashrafe bin Mortazadere departed from the quarter-finals of the World Cup and was welcomed at the airport by thousands of cricket fans of the country. Meanwhile, thousands of cricket fans greeted the Bengal Tigers with banner festoons outside the airport. Today at 7:30 pm, the Tigers entered the airport in Dhaka.

Originally, the main goal of Bangladesh in the eleventh World Cup was to play in the quarter-finals. The Tigers of Bengal fulfilled that goal well by defeating Afghanistan, Scotland and England. In the quarter-final, Bangladesh kept the title holder India under pressure for a while, but in the end, they did not succeed. The reason for this was the controversial decision of the umpire. The outcome of the match could have been different if Man of the Match Rohit Sharma was not given life due to the controversial decision of the umpires. From all sides, the power of Bangladeshi cricketers in this World Cup has been proved to the world cricket experts.

Returned Team Bangladesh-2

Bangladesh team lost the quarter final match but failed to advance to the semi-final but won the hearts of cricket fans. So, even though they went to play the World Cup in secret, the Tigers of Bengal received a hero's welcome on their return. The Bangladesh team returned home and thanked the countrymen for this despite facing the journalists. In the future they have promised to give a better game - Team Bangladesh.

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