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Amazon gets permission to use drones

The Dhaka Times Desk US e-commerce giant Amazon gets permission to use drones experimentally. These drones will be used to deliver products ordered online to customers.

allow the use of drones

US e-commerce giant Amazon has received permission to use drones experimentally. These drones will be used to deliver products ordered online to customers. However, commercial use of drones is illegal in the United States. However, the agency has received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to begin piloting the program.

According to media reports, the FAA confirmed to the BBC that Amazon has been given permission to test operate unmanned aircraft (drones) by people with pilot's licenses. However, Amazon can only use drones according to certain rules. It states that drones cannot be flown above 400 feet. Again they should be driven during the day and they should always be kept within the driver's line of sight.

According to media reports, there is a ban on the commercial use of drones in the United States. However, these laws are being reconsidered under the FAA. Because of this, new policies may be formulated regarding the commercial use of drones - said the BBC.

In December 2013, the company announced the launch of drone delivery services to customers. Amazon has been waiting for permission to use drones for product delivery ever since it invented drones. In July 2014, Amazon applied to the US government to start this program on an experimental basis. It was eventually allowed to be used experimentally under certain conditions.

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