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A magician stunned everyone by floating in the air for 5 hours in public [Video]

The Dhaka Times Desk A magician stunned everyone by floating in the air for 5 hours in public. The magician publicly floated in the void, shocking the people on the streets of Tel Aviv.

Publicly pulled aloft for 5 hours

We've seen a lot of magic. We were amazed by this magic. But no one can help but be surprised by the story of magic that I heard this time. This time, a magician showed the magic of making people float in the air. And he did this incident publicly in the streets of Tel Aviv in front of people. Everyone was shocked to see such amazing magic. The magician floated openly in the void for about 5 hours. People flocked to watch the scene as it was public.

The magician's name is Hazy Dean. How is the magician named Hezy Dean floating in the void? Many questions began to swirl in the minds of many. Position at zero! That too for 5 hours continuously. At this time, many passers-by tried to understand how he was hanging in the air. But in the end no one could understand.

After hanging in the air for 5 hours, he was brought down with the help of a crane. After the magician got down, he said to the audience, 'Luckily, I don't have to go home in an ambulance.' This incident caused a great sensation in Tel Aviv. The incident is now on everyone's lips.

Watch the video of the magician floating in the void
