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Google's contact lens will measure the body's sugar!

The Dhaka Times Desk Google, the world's most popular search engine, has announced the development of a contact lens that measures body sugar.

Google contact lenses

Globally popular search engine Google has now announced the development of contact lenses that will tell the amount of sugar in the body. The company has obtained a patent from the United States Patent Authority for making this lens.

Google contact lenses-2

According to the patent, Google will add sensors to its lenses. This sensor lens can be placed on the cornea of the eye like any other contact lens. This lens is able to measure the amount of sugar in the body.

Search engine Google said it has already tied up with drugmaker Novartis to make contact lenses. This glass will be used to measure the blood sugar level of diabetic patients. It is said that this search engine Google has opened separate projects for the manufacture of Google Glass and contact lenses.

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