The Dhaka Times
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The price of a donkey is 4 and a half lakh!

The Dhaka Times Desk As the saying goes, 'Man is made by beating donkeys'. But it is very good to beat such a donkey and make a man. Because the price of this donkey is 4.5 million!

the price of a donkey 4 Lac

Animals are always funny. But perhaps a little too much with the donkey. Because we talk about 'beating donkeys and making people'. But have we ever thought that animals like that donkey can cost so much. It happened this time. The price of a donkey has risen to 4 lakhs.

We actually do not mean 'donkey', it is a thing! But this donkey from Haryana, India is not that kind of donkey at all. The reason is that it costs 4 lakh rupees! Of course, 3 lakh rupees in Indian currency. However, it will be around 4.5 lakhs in Bangladeshi taka.

An animal fair is going on in Haryana, India. And it shows that 54 inch tall donkey. Two new Nano cars can be bought in India at this price.

Is the car and the donkey the same? That's right. People want to buy that donkey even with such amount of money. But the owner of the donkey, Mahindra Singh, a resident of Punjab, does not even want to sell it. Then why did you bring it to the fair? He has already taken it to the fair - to verify. He already earns a lot of money from this donkey.

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