The Dhaka Times Desk There are various news about the plane crash with 150 passengers. It is not known exactly why the pilot did such an act, but various information is coming out. The news came that the co-pilot was planning to do something big?
German co-pilot Andreas Lubitz was planning such a big event long before the plane crashed in the Alps, a former girlfriend of his has claimed. An interview with this ex-girlfriend of the German newspaper 'Bild' Andreas Lubitz has been published. This 26-year-old ex-girlfriend, identified as 'Maria W', is reported to be an airline air hostess.
Maria W said in her interview that her relationship with Lubitz started last year. At the time Lubitz boasted to him, 'One day I will do something that will change everything, then everyone will know my name.'
Maria W. also said, 'Lubitoz did not know at the time what he meant by that, but Lubitz remembered the words after the plane crash.'
The journalist who interviewed Maria said, 'Lubitoz's character had two sides. In public Lubitz was smart and friendly. But inside the house he looked different. At home he was depressed and aggressive.
Maria also told reporters, 'his relationship with Lubitz did not last, this is the main reason.'
It should be noted that the plane with 150 passengers of German Wings crashed in the Alps last Tuesday and all were killed. After analyzing audio from the flight recorder later recovered, investigators were almost certain that co-pilot Andreas Lubitz deliberately crashed the plane.