The Dhaka Times
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100 years ago drowned children floated!

The Dhaka Times Desk Anyone who sees such a picture can say that the incident is true. But is it really so? Can a child who drowned 100 years ago ever float? One such picture he is demanding.

100 years ago drowning child

A couple took a bath with their children (total of 5) from Queensland, Australia. Photos are also taken to capture their bathing scenes. But after taking the picture, it is seen that a girl's face is visible next to the couple with the child.

Seeing that picture, many people say that a girl drowned here 100 years ago. Many people say that it is a 'ghost' picture of the boy in the picture. As soon as the picture was uploaded on Facebook, the commotion started. News about the matter started in the media. Who is it that appears in the picture? Is that the girl who drowned 100 years ago? Various questions started coming to people's minds. But experts are reluctant to accept it. They called it freak news and said, 'Bhoot'tut Nai a spot came out for some reason while taking the picture.

Note that in 1915, a 13-year-old girl drowned in Murphy's Hole in Helidon, Queensland, Australia. 'After 100 years his picture was caught in that pond' - many people think so.

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