The Dhaka Times
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The story of a brave Jharna Begum

The Dhaka Times Desk Are women just lazy? No, women are no longer Abla. They are now playing different roles in the society like men. And so the nation is proud of them. One such brave woman has been awarded by the police department. Yesterday, April 17, the Inspector General of Police handed over the recognition certificate and certificate to Jharna Begum.
Jharna Begom

Who is Jharna Begum?

Today, she is a familiar face across the country for her extraordinary bravery as an ordinary beauty parlor worker. She has become a popular woman in recent times.

Jharna Begum expressed her feelings at the reception organized by the Bangladesh Police on April 17 yesterday: 'I did not do this in the hope of receiving a reception or award. I have done that by being a woman; Everyone should do it for the sake of humanity, for the sake of conscience.'
It is to be noted that during the hartal in Rajshahi on April 1, Jharna Begum went ahead to rescue the police officer Jahangir Alam who was injured in the brutal attack by Jamaat-Shibir workers. He was given a certificate of recognition and a certificate of recognition by the police for helping to save him at the risk of danger. Inspector General of Police (IG) Hasan Mahmud Khandkar handed it over to Jharna Begum. At this time, he said, 'Others have a lot to learn from this shower work.'

No one was going to rescue Sub-Inspector (SI) Jahangir Alam, who was lying on the road after the Jamaat-Shibir workers smashed his head with helmets and bricks. At this time, Jharna Begum came forward and wrapped Jahangir Alam's head with her veil. The injured police officer was taken to the hospital with the help of a few others.

Incidentally, it should be noted that recently there is not much precedent for coming forward when someone is in danger. So the issue of Jharna Begum is visible to all. Even as a woman, the way she extended her helping hand to the police that day is exemplary for everyone.

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