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Wildlife can predict earthquakes!

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know that the Meteorological Office predicts various natural disasters including cyclones but does not predict earthquakes. But now it is known that wildlife can predict earthquakes!


We all know that the Meteorological Office predicts various natural disasters including cyclones but does not predict earthquakes. But now it is known that wildlife can predict earthquakes!

According to news media, in recent times in Peru's Yanachaga National Park, Dr. Ruskin University of England is conducting a study on the behavior of wildlife. A team from Rachel Grant. The results of that study were recently published. It says, 'Wildlife senses earthquakes.'

The study revealed that 23 days before the earthquake in Contamara in 2011, abnormalities in the behavior of wildlife in the area were noticed. About 15 animals were tracked by Grant's team's cameras for 23 consecutive days. Just 8 days prior to the earthquake, animal movement was significantly reduced. The researchers believe that such changes in the behavior of the animals were observed due to the increase in the amount of positive ions in the air before the earthquake.

The media report also said that researchers have described this condition as 'serotonin syndrome'. Increased positive ions in the air increase serotonin levels in the blood. And then the researchers think that there is an abnormality in the behavior. The researchers said that this type of instability is most commonly observed in birds and mammals.

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