The Dhaka Times
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3 pictures of Anchal at the beginning of the year!

The Dhaka Times Desk 3 films of Anchal are going to be released in the beginning of this year. That's why popular actress Anchal is having a good time in her career.

3 picture at the beginning of the year

3 films of Anchal are going to be released in the beginning of this year. That's why it is considered that the popular actress Aanchal is having a very good time in her career. His film 'Hridyo Dolano Prem' was released recently.

His next film 'Gunda-The Terrorist' is going to be released on April 10. On the other hand, the film 'Bojhe Na Se Bojhe Na' directed by Montazur Rahman Akbar is going to be released on May 8 across the country. At the beginning of the year, Achal is much ahead of other actresses, appearing in front of the audience with three consecutive films. Many people are saying that Anchal has a hat trick this time.

3 picture at the beginning of the year-2

Anchal told the media, 'I have always tried to present good films to the audience. Not competing with anyone, I always compete with myself. Because of the love I got from the audience in this short period of my career. This is my effort to repay their love.' He expressed hope and said, 'I hope the audience will support me like this in the coming days.'

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