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The mystery of Leonardo da Vinci's Monalisa smile!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is hard to find anyone who is not familiar with Leonardo da Vinci's painting of the smiling Mona Lisa. The mystery of that painting's especially hilarious smile has been revealed this time!

Mona Lisa

For the past 500 years, research has been going on to solve the mystery of the light smile on the corner of the lips of Mona Lisa, the famous painter Leonardo da Vinci. Where the Rathi-maharathi are tired of sweating their heads and legs to solve this mystery, amateur art historian William Varbel of the University of Texas has told the secret of Monalisa's smile in a moment!

According to media reports, American professor Verbel thinks, 'Mona Lisa was one of the feminist women of the sixth century. La Giocondo wanted women's rights in the Catholic Church. She fought for women's rights in a patriarchal society. This feminine face of hers is revealed in the famous oil painting Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo da Vinci. The women consciousness of the society at that time is hidden in this smile of hers.

According to the news media, in the recently published book 'The Lady Speaks: Uncovering the Secret of the Mona Lisa', historian William Varbel wrote - 'La Giocondo was one of the leaders of women's rights. He dreamed of equal rights for men and women in the New Jerusalem. Although Lady Giocondo was the wife of renowned merchant Francesco del Giocondo, she lived independently. A mother of 5 children, and a protest leader of helpless, downtrodden women in the society. He also found religious sentiments in Mona Lisa's smile. "Everything is revealed in his smile," claims Varbel.

He also said, 'Leonardo da Vinci used about 40 types of symbols in the painting of Mona Lisa. These signals are hidden in each layer of the image. In the background to the right of the Mona Lisa is the scene of Calvary, where Jesus Christ is crucified. On the other side is the Mount of Olives, through which is the road to heaven.'

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Note that Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting Mona Lisa has been researched for a long time. Earlier, a researcher said that Mona Lisa is a portrait of the painter himself. Eyes, face and various shapes are considered to be portraits of the artist.

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